Wellfield Infant and Nursery School

We Inspire and Nurture Success

Who's Who

All our staff are professional, caring, friendly and approachable. Here is a list of them all.




Miss Cathy Graham


Deputy Headteacher/Key Stage One Co Ordinator 
Mrs Rose Fairclough    



Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co Ordinator, (SENDCo)
 Mrs Michelle Tucker, SSC Teacher

Early Years Foundation Stage Co Ordinator 
Mrs Kate Douglas, Teacher 


(Office)  School Business Manager 

Mrs Laura Julian


Site Manager
Mr Ian Schora





English Lead

Mr Michael Hughes


Assistant SENDCo (Early Years Foundation Stage)

Mrs Ange De Fouw, HLTA


Midday Supervisor and Student/ Staff Mentor

Ms Karen Evans





School Staff team Autumn 2024


Office           Mrs L Julian - school business manager
                    Mrs Gilliver - admin assistant

                    Ms Robinson - admin assistant

                    Mrs Dixon - finance officer

Nursery        Mrs Harrison - class teacher
                    Mrs De Fouw - higher level teaching assistant/ Assistant SENDCo
                    Mrs Butt - teaching assistant

                    Mrs Farrow - teaching assistant

                    Ms Ellis - teaching assistant
Reception     Mrs Douglas - class teacher/ EYFS Lead

                    Mrs Scanlon - class teacher

                    Ms Catahan - cover teacher

                    Mrs Robertson - teaching assistant

                    Ms Townsley - teaching assistant (SEN) 

                    Ms Taylor - teaching assistant (SEN) 
The SSC       Mrs Tucker - class teacher 
                    Mrs Robinson - class teacher
                    Miss Marsh - teaching assistant (SEN)
                    Mrs Bithell - teaching assistant (SEN)

                    Ms Whelan - teaching assistant (SEN)
Year 1          Mrs Sullivan - class teacher 
                    Mrs Rutter - class teacher

                    Miss Ward - class teacher

                    Mrs Shrimpton - teaching assistant

                    Mrs Littler - teaching assistant

                    Mrs Burt - teaching assistant (SEN)

                    Ms Taylor - teaching assistant (SEN)



Year 2          Mr Hughes - class teacher

                    Mrs Quinn - class teacher
                    Mrs Hanley - class teacher

                    Mrs Wilson - cover teacher
                    Miss Evans - higher level teaching assistant

                    Ms Jones - teaching assistant (SEN)



Wishing Well Out Of School Club Team



Out of School Club Manager

Nicola Young


Out of School Deputy Manager

                                                                                                                 Meena Gorania              



Club Admin Assistant

Lara Hardman

To see the wider list of team members for Wishing Well, please go to the club's team page using this link:-




Financial Salary Declaration

Schools are required to publish on their websites salary information if staff have a salary of above £100,000, in order to improve financial transparency.

At Wellfield Infant and Nursery School there are no staff with a salary of above £100,000.


The link to the schools financial benchmarking service on the government website can be found here:-



