Wellfield Infant and Nursery School

We Inspire and Nurture Success


Welcome to SSC smiley

Autumn term 2 -Houses and homes.


We have had a fantastic half term learning all about the different types of homes that people live in, we have explored our own school and it’s grounds and looked at houses using Google Earth.  In Design and Technology we have used different materials to make 2D and 3D models and also created using the variety of construction tools in class.  The children enjoyed a visit from the parents for ‘Carols and mince pies’, it was lovely to share this together.  As we moved into our Christmas celebrations we have had a very busy week on our trips to CAFT and The Waterside for the panto. We are sure everyone is ready for a well deserved rest and some family time over the Christmas break.



Autumn Term 1 2024


This half term we have been settling in and making new friends. We have enjoyed our topic 'All About Me/Amazing Me!' In this topic we have been drawing self portraits using different media, sharing pictures of our family, looking at different houses and homes and where we live on Google Earth. We have also enjoyed looking at our likes and dislikes and sharing these with our friends. We have loved celebrating that everybody is different and unique!  

Resources and links to various Social Stories to support children with Social Communication Difficulties/ Autism 

Resources for children and adults to support Emotional Wellbeing

NAS Help and Guidance for Families
