Wellfield Infant and Nursery School

We Inspire and Nurture Success

What's on Offer in the Club?

At Wishing Well we want to make the club as enjoyable as possible for everyone who attends. The children are split into two age groups, with the children from Nursery to Year One in the younger group based in the Nursery building and the children from year 2 to Year 6 in the older group based in the prefab by adjacent to the school field and forest school area, known as the POD. By organising the children into these two groups we are able to tailor the provision available to them more effectively. Both groups have direct access to large outdoor spaces. (On quieter days - usually Fridays - all of the children are generally put together in the POD.)


The team regularly consult with the children and their parents/ carers to find out about the children's interests and seek their views about the resources and activities they would like to have access to. There are a wide range of resources available in the provision at all times, including art and crafts resources, construction kits, books, card games and jigsaws as well as various wheeled vehicles to use outdoors and access to different ball games. In addition to this the staff plan additional activities based on the children's requests. These include opportunities for baking, science experiments and different sports.


Coming Up in the October Holiday Club

Forest School Fun




During term time we sometimes offer Forest School Sessions led by a Forest School Leader. We also have Forest School Sessions on offer during the Holiday Club too.







Holiday Club Activities











During the holidays we bring in Sports Coaches, Drama Teachers and other visitors to help us to give the children the best experiences possible.


Every Thursday we have a Cycle Day where the children are invited to bring in their scooters and bikes, (please note - for safety reasons they must bring a cycling helmet with them). The club has spare helmets, bikes and scooters for children to use too.



Holiday Club Circus Skills Workshop




Look out for our Holiday Club posters and adverts on our facebook pages to see what's on offer


Wellfield Infant and Nursery School on Facebook




Wishing Well on Facebook




