Wellfield Infant and Nursery School

We Inspire and Nurture Success

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium at Wellfield Infant & Nursery School

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is the additional funding from the government received by publicly funded schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to reach their full potential. The funding is aimed to address the current underlying inequalities that exist between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and their more affluent peers.

Pupils who are eligible for this extra funding include those who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years, pupils who are classed as Looked After Children (LAC) for at least 6 months, pupils who have left local authority care or pupils whose parents work in the regular armed forces.


In the academic year 2024/2025 the amount of Pupil Premium received for each pupil deemed to be eligible under the free school meals criteria as an Ever 6 is £1,480. If you think your child may be eligible for this funding please contact the school office and they will send you a link to check. 


Funding for Looked After Children (LAC), which includes pupils who have been in an English Local Authority or those who have now ceased to be looked after by the Local Authority and have been adopted, granted special guardianship, given an arrangements order or a residence order the amount received is £2,570 per pupil. Pupil Premium funding for Looked After Children is held by the Virtual Head Teacher for Trafford, Lynsey Burridge. Lynsey is responsible for ensuring that all Looked After Children, are making good progress and the allocation of LAC pupils' Pupil Premium is made via the virtual LAC panel when schools can request funding to provide the necessary provision to support the individual pupil. If you have a child who is classed as a ‘Looked After’ child please make sure that you inform Mrs Julian in the school office. 


Children who are registered as a service child or who are in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence are eligible to be awarded £340 for the academic year 2024/2025. If you think your child may be eligible for this funding please contact the school office.


Early Years Pupil Premium for children in Nursery is allocated to school at £387.60 for the academic year 2024/2025.


Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO), Mrs Michelle Tucker is responsible for monitoring how the funding is spent and the impact of this on pupils' attainment.


 Mrs Sharon Alderson is our named Governor for Pupil Premium.

How do we use Pupil Premium Funding at Wellfield Infants?

The Pupil Premium at Wellfield Infants is used to provide targeted support for groups and individual pupils and their families.

We ensure that the funding is used to support the needs of each individual pupil premium child and this is how we are currently using our allocated Pupil Premium Funding:

  • To provide high quality, inclusive teaching

  • Intervention strategy support from highly skilled Teaching Assistants in small groups or 1:1 precision teaching for the individual pupil

  • Focused support in whole class group teaching or small groups, provided by highly skilled teaching assistants

At Wellfield we are fortunate to employ several experienced teaching assistants which enables us to offer additional classroom support and a wide range of intervention groups to support children's teaching and learning. These staff are part funded by our Pupil Premium funding. The interventions they deliver cover a wide range of skills including phonics, speech and language, writing, reading, comprehension, numeracy and fine motor skills. These are tailored to individuals and groups and monitored by the school's Special Educational Needs Coordinator. All of our intervention activities are evaluated and regularly reviewed in light of the targets set and children's progress towards them. The interventions that take place all have a positive impact on pupil progress and, for some pupils, they help the children to make rapid progress which result in their attainment being more in line with, or above, their age related expectations (see Pupil Premium Strategy Report).

We also use some of the funding to provide emotional support for individuals through sessions with our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) or through 1:1 counselling sessions. These sessions are provided for children for a variety of reasons including attachment difficulties, bereavement therapy, the development of social interaction skills and anxiety issues. All of the pupils benefit enormously by the regular sessions they have. 

Some of the Pupil Premium funding is also used to support families to enable them to provide their children with everything they need to access a full education. This includes; subscription to Letterbox Club, paying for school trips, after school activities led by external providers, providing additional resources they may need for home or school. 

To find out more about how our Pupil Premium funding has been spent please click on the documents below.

Pupil Premium Policy 2024
