Wellfield Infant and Nursery School

We Inspire and Nurture Success

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

The children have settled into new routines very well and are starting to look like proper Year 2 children. We have had a fun first few weeks. 

Comic book Visitor

Today we had a visitor from comic book illustrator and author Rick Eades. The children were very excited to create a Halloween themed character and story with Rick, and loved watching a real illustrator at work! We'll be carrying on with our comics as the week continues in Literacy. 

Autumn 1 has been Forest School time for Mrs Hanley's class. The children have had a wonderful time making clay animals, building shelters and even sitting around the fire circle making birds nests. 

Enjoying the colours of Autumn with our friends in Forest School.

In Science in Mr Hughes' class, the children have been studying Materials this half term. The children have been sorting materials and conducting experiments on 'which material is best for mopping up a spill' and  waterproofing a book bag, as well as finding out if 'hard objects can absorb water'. Next half term, Mr Hughes' class will be studying Habitats outside in Forest School, while Mrs Hanley's class look at Materials. 

The children have had a cricket coach this half term and are looking forward to continuing to play at breaktimes and lunchtimes after half term.

A visit from the Halle where the children learned about the instruments and the terms, melody and rhythm. They also joined in with a few songs at the end.

Here's the link for the Year 2 Leavers power point. You will need to copy and paste the link into your browser.



The Leavers' Show - Avast Ahoy!

Science Fun

As part of Science week, we met with the Year 6 children from the Junior school, who showed us lots of exciting experiments!

Drama Workshop

We had great fun at our Drama workshop with Andy, recreating some Olympic moments!

Football PE

We've been working hard with our football coaches recently in PE, particularly on our dribbling skills.

Our Trip to Knowsley Safari

We had an amazing time at Knowsley Safari Park. We found out about lots of different animals from our guide too!


The children had a great time on World Book Day, and all looked fabulous in their costumes. We wrote some book reviews, were read stories by the juniors and had a book quiz!

Multi-Skills at Ashton High School

We had a lovely afternoon doing a range of sporting activities with some of the older students at Ashton High School. They kept us very busy and we were very tired on the way home!

Mental Health Awareness Week

We had a lovely week thinking of ways to cope with our emotions. We made our own game all about the Zones of Regulation, we 'filled our buckets' with kindness, we did some beautiful craft based around 'The Heart's Invisible string' and we finished the week with a Friendly Friday French breakfast of croissants and pain au chocolat!

Thank you to everyone who came to our singalong and stay and play morning. 

                     The children loved having you in school with them                          and everyone had a wonder time creating special memories. 

We hope it brought a little festive magic to your Christmas. 


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We finished the half term off in style by dressing up and having a spooky party. The children all looked amazing and we had a very special day. 

Forest School

The children in Year 2 have been enjoying the great outdoors in their Forest School sessions. They collected party objects for a mythical creatures birthday party. They created balloons, presents, cakes, party hats and decorations. 

School's 50th Celebrations

To celebrate the school being 50, we held a 70s day in school! We had talks from people who knew the history of the school, had a 70s music inspired Wake Up and Shake Up with the parents, and had a 70s party with lots of dancing in the afternoon. 

Coronation Party

We had a wonderful day celebrating the King's coronation. The children looked spectacular in their costumes and we even had sunshine in the afternoon for our street party on the playground. 


Illustrator Visit

This week we very lucky enough to be visited by author and illustrator Sarah Parkinson. She showed us how to draw some different objects relating to the King's coronation, which we'll put together as part of our coronation display. 


Comic Relief

The children looked fabulous and we raised lots of money too!

World Book Day 2023

We've had a fantastic World Book Day in Year 2. The children all looked fabulous, dressed as book characters or new words. We read with our friends in Year 5 and did lots of fun book activities besides!

Book Review

In Year 2, we've started a weekly book review. This is a short presentation about a book the children have read at home to the rest of the class. So far, it's been very popular!

We've also given the opportunity to write a book review of a story we've read in class. A winner is then selected at random to win a copy of their chosen book!

Clay Pinch Pots

We've had great fun recently making vases using 2 clay pinch pots. We'll decorate them using oil pastels and a black ink wash!

Childrens' Mental Health Week

This week we have been focusing on our mental health. We had a whole school Wake and Shake on the school playround where children and parents danced together to start the day in a positive mindset. It certainly put a smile on everyones' face. Afterwards parents were invited into the hall for coffee and a chat while the children went back into class for a french breakfast and a social chat. We read The Invisible String, made our own 3D hearts and watched the film Inside Out. It was a lovely way to end the half term. 

Forest School Skills

We've been learning new skills in Forest School in Spring Term-including making sparks, tying knots, whittling and building dens!

We've also been team building while making spiders' webs, as well as pruning trees.

Super Snow Day!

A light sprinkle of snow made for lots of fun on the field!

KS1 Christmas Show

We had lots of fun in the run up to Christmas. As well as performing our wonderful Christmas Show for all our parents, we took part in a very chilly Santa Dash around the field, had a surprise visit from Father Christmas, did a class scavenger hunt around the classroom to find facts about Christmas in other countries and of course enjoyed a fun-filled party day!  

Spooky Day 2022

The children looked amazing in their spooky costumes for Halloween. We had a lovely day.


Forest School

This half term the children have been using Forest Schools for their Science lessons. We had fun learning about microhabitats, food chains and living things.





Matt Goodfellow Visit

On Tuesday we were visited by poet Matt Goodfellow, who read from his collection of poems in a fun assembly! He then helped us write some poetry of our own by encouraging us to write in our own voices and about our own lives.

Zoo Trip

We all had a fantastic time at Chester Zoo. We saw lots of different animals, including giraffes, elephants, lots of monkeys and penguins. The children were all amazing and it was a lovely way to spend a sunny day! We found out lots about the different animals, and wrote about our day when we returned to school.

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

The whole school looked amazing on the last day of term as we celebrated the astonishingly long reign of Queen Elizabeth II. We had a celebration assembly and then we had a parade across the field to the juniors where we were welcomed with a huge round of applause. Years 1 and 2 then went into the junior hall to learn all about the many decades of the queens reign. 

After lunch we gathered on the field for a 'street style' party with rocket lollies in the sunshine. The juniors joined us with a picnic. The children have all made some very memories that will last a lifetime.  


Fun Times and Treats after the SATs

                Wonderdome Planetarium Visit 

It was out of this world in Year 2 today. We had a visit from Wonderdome Planetarium and learned all about the Solar System. We watched astronauts living in the space station, learned all about the moon landing and wondered at the galaxies and planets. The children are going to use the visit to write an exciting recount in their literacy lessons. 

World Book Day 2022

The children had a wonderful World Book Day. They all brought in their favourite books and dressed as characters from fiction. They looked brilliant!

We were lucky enough to have a visit from the illustrator, Penny Neville-Lee.

The children looked at some of her beautiful illustrations and she read an extract from the story her pictures feature in - The Night Train by Matilda Woods.

Then the children had a masterclass in drawing with Penny, recreating the adorable yeti from the story.

In the afternoon, Year 2 visited the juniors and had stories read to them. It was all very exciting. 

Dare to be Different Day

The children were surprising good at breaking the rules on 'Dare to be Different Day' also known as 'Break the Rules Day'. They dressed in their own unique style, brought chocolate for snack time and all kinds of other mayhem!

Design Technology-Clay

This week, the children learnt lots of different techniques using clay, such as rolling out evenly, joining pieces using a slick and decorating using different tools. We created all kinds of Valentines gifts for our loved ones, and then painted them with special acrylic paints.

Safety Seymour

Year 2 had a visit from superhero Safety Seymour. They had a great time and learned all about how to detect carbon monoxide and what to do if they suspect there is a leak. They acted out scenarios and mimed being appliances and cleaning chimneys. The morning finished with a conga (obviously).



Lunar New Year

The children in Year 2 celebrated the Lunar New Year by making dancing dragons using paper craft. We learned about the animals in the chinese zodiac. One of the children in class gave gifts of red and gold envelopes containing sweets. These symbolise good luck and prosperity for the year ahead. 


The children took part in lots of fun activities over the Christmas period. We performed Christmas songs on Seesaw, watched a pantomime, had a great part day and we even had a visit from Santa!

Forest School

We've been very lucky to have Mr Outhwaite taking Year 2 for Forest School this term. To mark the end of our outdoor Science lessons, we had toasted marshmallows and sweets around the camp fire!

Author Visit

We were very lucky to have a visit from children's author and illustrator Sarah Parkinson. We heard her read her Christmas book 'Monty McFlew' and then Sarah showed us how to draw Monty! The children really enjoyed meeting a proper illustrator and we had some great examples of Monty by the end!

Snow Day

The children brought in wellies and warm clothes for messing about in the snow. It didn't stay long so it was lucky we were prepared!





Forest School

We have spent our Autumn term science lessons in our Forest School area. We have studied life processes and living things as well as habitats and microhabitats. We also completed a seed investigation looking at a variety of seeds both in the classroom and in Forest School. 

Spooky Day

Spooky Day at the end of the first half term was awesome! The children looked very scary (cute scary) and really enjoyed our party games. They have worked hard and deserved a treat. 


We have had a great start to the new school year and the children have settled in really quickly. 

Roald Dahl

We have been looking at the characters created by the marvellous Roald Dahl and the children are very excited listening to all his silly stories. 

We have created some stunning art work and some revolting recipes too.


We have a football coach this half term teaching the children the basic skills needed to play the game. We hope this will encourage all children (boys and girls alike) to continue to enjoy football throughout the year. 

Year 2 Leavers 2021

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Well, we’ve come to the end of the strangest of years and we’ve survived.

In recent weeks we have been singing as a year group and we wanted to show you how talented we are.

We have put together some clips of different songs and also the traditional end of year powerpoint which is always a tearjerker.      (This will go on later today or tomorrow)

We have also put some clips of the ocarina concert that Mrs Hanley’s class took part in last week with our wonderful ocarina teacher,        Mrs Peacock.

Thank you for all your support this year we couldn’t have got through it without you !

Have a wonderful summer .



Hip Hip Hip Hooray

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A Year 2 favourite

Days when we remember

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This song is dedicated to all the people who helped and inspired us through the pandemic - teachers, doctors, nurses, all key worker, Marcus Rashford , Captain Tom ...


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Power In Me.mp4

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Ocarina Videos

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Mr Cool.mp4

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Londons burning ocarina.mp4

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Hot Cross Buns (1).mp4

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mary lamb part 2.mp4

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Do re mi(1).mp4

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Year 2JH Class Sports Day Photos


Birthday Party Day!

As all of our children have missed a birthday party with their school friends over the last year, we celebrated in style at the end of term. We had an egg hunt, a visit from the Easter Bunny, games and even a birthday cake!

Spring Lockdown Learning


We have been so impressed with all of our children, both in school and at home. They have worked so hard and produced outstanding work! Here's just a selection: 

We've found out about human and physical features in Geography, and even made canal barges!

We have written amazing pieces of work! We have used different texts to inspire us to write outstanding letters, descriptions and recounts.

We have designed and, in some cases, made healthy meals!

We learnt about the life cycle of a frog at school, and at home!

We made rakhi bracelets and gave them to brothers, sisters and loved ones:

The children had a great time on our

Santa Dash for Save The Children



This term, we've been looking at the stories of Roald Dahl and using his stories to inspire our creative writing!

We studied the techniques of Quentin Blake's famous illustrations and had a go at some of our own:


This term we have also been looking at a range of different texts linked with mental health and with finding our place in a confusing time, including Oliver Jeffers' Here We Are. We have recreated one of the pages from that book which encourages tolerance and celebrates diversity within our community.
Our little artists have also looked at the work of Jean Michel Basquait, who the children found fascinating. They were interested in how unique his work is and interested in the way he repeated images important to him and his culture in many of his paintings, such as crowns and skulls. 

A walk down memory lane for our Year Two leavers.......

Seesaw journals- Please connect

World Book Day 2020!

The children have been treated to 2 amazing visitors this week as part of our World Book Day celebrations! First, we were lucky enough to be taught some new skills by illustrator Penny Neville Lee, who came and taught us how to draw some of her amazing characters, and also how to draw different emotions.

We had a brilliant time dressing up as our favourite book character! Also, we were visited by author Sarah Parkinson, who came to talk to us about her book 'Dragonfly Pie'. After hearing the story, we were given the chance to ask her what being a real-life author was like, and to write our own version of her story in our own books!

                                                        OUT OF THIS WORLD! 

Today Year 2 had a special visit from a mobile planetarium. We crawled inside and learned lots of interesting facts about our solar system. It was AMAZING!



This term, we've been taken all our Science outside! Our Forest School teacher, Sarah, has introduced us to different habitats. The children have learnt lots about various insects, and what a habitat needs. We even made our own wormery and looked after them for a week!



Anti Bullying Week November 2019



The children in Year 2 took part in a Philosophy lesson where we discussed the question 'Should we be friends with everyone?' The children also took part in a role playing exercise where bullying was discussed and acted out. The children finally then used what they'd learnt to make some Anti Bullying posters to put up around the school. Mrs Hanley's class made a Powerpoint presentation linked to this year's antibullying theme "Change starts with us" too.



 The children looked scary but cute on Spooooooky day 2019! We played games in the hall and the classroom and had our marble treat too!







We had a visit from Yan Tan Tethera. He showed us all of his magical dragon eggs and told us a very exciting story about a cockatrice dragon.

magic        dragons egg


big egg       cockatrice




Roald Dahl Books

We enjoyed writing our own Roald Dahl stories and tried our hand at Quentin Blake style illustrations.

Welcome to Year 2



This term we will be enjoying the work of Roald Dahl and creating some of our own books inspired by his stories and characters.

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Watch this space for more information about what we will be getting up to this term.



