Wellfield Infant and Nursery School

We Inspire and Nurture Success

Year 1

Year One’s Got Talent- from hoola hooping to artist, football skills to gymnastics- what a fun afternoon we had.

Our end of term-Teddy bear’s Picnic

Our Trip to the Runway Visitor Park at Manchester Airport

Year One Sporting Superstars

Stay and Play in Year One

We invited our grown ups to spend the afternoon in Year One. We took our grown ups on a tour of our learning environment and together we had lots of fun completing activities including making rocket mice that we launched up to the ceiling!

Penguins Stay and Play. Fun in the sun at Forest School.

Year One Summer Project- Fabulous Fruity Kebabs

We have been busy fruit tasting, deciding which fruits we would like to use. Next, we designed our kebabs. We learnt the different ways of cutting the fruit, handling the knives safely. We then made our kebabs. However the best part of this project was eating the kebabs. They were delicious! 

Fruit Kebabs

The Circus came to Wellfield Infants and Year One loved learning new skills of plate spinning, juggling and parachute fun.

Thank you to the children and staff at Ashton High school. Year One loved taking part in all the sports. From balloon volley ball, space hopper bouncing, parachute games and golf, just to name a few sports. Year One loved taking part, exercising and most importantly….HAVING FUN! 

Multi Skills Festival at Ashton-On-Mersey High School

Year One have been working really hard on their football skills. From dribbling, with great ball control, to passing the ball, the children have really mastered their skills. Watch out England!… we might have some budding football stars in the future. 

Football Fever In Year One

The children loved learning all about the American artist Georgia O’Keeffe. She inspired Year One to produce their own paintings of flowers using bright, vibrant colours. 

Georgia O’Keefe Inspired Paintings

Science Week- March 2024

We read the book - Someone's swallowed Stanley by Sarah Roberts and learned all about the dangers of plastic, especially in the oceans, as it doesn't easily decompose. Over time, we tested this by observing how a banana and orange decomposed while the plastic ruler didn't change at all. We have written to our local supermarket- The COOP to ask them to use less plastic. We then made our very own biodegradable plastic. All week, we reused plastic, in our craft area and made things like necklaces. Finally ended our Science week by reusing plastic bags to make our own parachutes and LOVED testing them outdoors.    

Science Week- Exploring Plastic

Our girls taking part in the the biggest ever woman’s biggest football session.

Fabulous Fun on World Book Day

Year One Cricket Taster Afternoon

Boggarts. These have been made in Forest school using natural materials such as clay, sticks and leaves. We learnt that these were made hundreds of years ago. They were based on mythical creatures and were used to tell stories. Aren’t they scary!

Freezing Forest School

Winter Wonderland

Crafty Creations. We made face collages using different materials.

Christmas Festivities

With parties, shows, plus a very special visit from you know who, Year One had a great time celebrating Christmas.

                        Thank you for attending our performances of                       

'The Bossy Christmas Fairy' we hope you enjoyed it.

           Today's performance proved to be quite eventful with many children off                       and children stepping up to take on extra speaking parts.                               As they say 'The Show Must Go On ' !!!!! 

Please enjoy the photos and videos below.




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Fabulous Forest School Fun- making decorations and party props for a party in Forest School.

Natural Art -inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy

Gaudi inspired paper sculptures.

Spooky Day Fun

Great fun was had on Spooky Day, with some scary dancing…..a haunted Phonics lesson and finally we had some chilled out little monsters during our Yoga session. 

Exploring Where We Live

How interesting is the place where we live. On our walk around Ashton-on Mersey we spotted lots different types of buildings, both old and new. Then we learnt about the secret tunnel as we walked across the cobbles to St Martin’s church. We loved looking at the stocks outside the church. We finished the walk looking at the old school building. 


What creative classes we are! Using our imagination, we explored different ways of decorating our dots. Printing, collage and painting with our friends we definitely made our marks. 


The children have had lots of fun exploring their new classroom, completing challenges and meeting their new teachers. 

Year One’s Got Talent.

We are so proud of our talented classes. So brave to perform in front of all our friends. 

70s day celebrating 50 years of our school.

What a fantastic day we had celebrating 50 years of our school. We sang, we danced and we ate cake! 

Stay and Play Fun in Mrs Sullivan’s Class.

Stay and Play in Mrs Rutter’s Class

What a wonderful afternoon we had for our ‘Stay and Play’. We loved having you! Have a look at the fun we had! 

The Beat Goes On

We really enjoyed our body percussion workshop today. We loved making our own compositions! Have a listen to how wonderful we sounded!


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Mrs Sullivan’s class making more music using our bodies.

Sports Day 2023

What a wonderful afternoon we all had and well done to the winning team - 🇪🇸 Spain!

More Sports day fun!

Year One Sporting Superstars

We had a fantastic morning at Ashton On Mersey High School taking part in various multi sports. Thank you to all the teachers and Year 12 PE students who helped us. From Cat and Mousing games with the parachute to perfecting our golf swing, just look at all the fun we had. 













Our Trip to Runway Visitor Park- Manchester Airport

As part of our flight topic, we visited the airport. We had a wonderful, sunny day spotting the aeroplanes taking off to far flung places like New York and Dublin. We had a close look at an aeroplane, spotting the different features such as the luggage hold and jet engines. Inside the plane, we all sat in the cockpit and had a go at being a pilot. We also learnt about some of the different jobs at the airport, such as police officers and firefighters. Despite the heat, we all enjoyed our trip and of course enjoyed the bus ride, picnic and play in the playground. 










Coronation Week Celebrations

We have been having an amazing time in Year One leading up to the coronation of King Charles. We have had coronation themed activities in our continuous provision, we have a celebratory assembly and we even had a street party to celebrate. Have a look at the fun we had!

Being an illustrator


We have been very lucky in Year One to have a visit from the author and illustrator Sarah Parkinson. She spoke to the children about being an author and illustrator. She showed the children how to draw a fabulous coronation cake for King Charles. It was an amazing experience!


Year One had a fun filled morning learning how to juggle, walk on stilts and spin plates. 






Science Week 2023 - Being a radiographer

We have been really lucky to have a parent come into school to talk about her job as a radiographer. We were amazed by all the fantastic equipment radiographers use and the important job they do to look after people. I think we have inspired some radiographers of the future!

Science Week 2023- Making Paper Bridges

As part of Science Week we investigated how to make strong bridges using 5 sheets of paper, masking tape and wooden blocks. We first learnt about the skills used in  real life construction to  make strong bridges. We  then applied this to our paper bridge making investigation.  We tested the strength of our bridges using weights. Have at look at our science work in action!

Science Week 2023- Scientist Visitor

We we’re very lucky to have a Mum come into school to show us some fantastic science experiments. Changing the state of materials. We loved all the FIZZ POP BANGS!

World Book Day 2023

Have a look at the fun we had during our World Book Day in Year One!

We enjoyed sharing books with children in the Juniors.

Fabulous Fun at Forest School

Spring in nearly here and Year One have been busy outside. We began by whittling sticks. We enjoyed making sharp sticks using vegetable peelers, remembering to scrape the sticks away from us. 


We’ve been busy planting seeds to grow into spring onions that we can eat….yum, yum! 

With the cold weather we know our feathered friends, the birds are very hungry so we’ve been making bird feeders and filling them to the top with delicious seeds. Well enjoy watching the birds eat their delicious snacks. 

Painting with Scissors

Inspired by the collages created by the French artist Henri Matisse we applied some of his techniques to our own pictures. 








Lunar New Year- January 2023

We were lucky to have a parent come in and talk about how this festival is celebrated. 




Our visit to St Martin’s Church

Just before Christmas Year One visited the local church in Ashton Village where Rev Catherine told us about the Christmas story. We were also able to look at all the different Christmas trees decorated by local community groups including our school. We were able to read all the wishes we had written for the New Year. 




KS1 Christmas Show

Forest School Adventures

During the Autumn term we have been in our Forest school using all available natural resources to make Andy Goldsworthy inspired pictures. The Autumn colours were beautiful and we’re thrilled with our creations.



Spooky day 2022

We have had a brilliant time during spooky day. We explored the spooky activities in our classroom and we played some spooky games in the hall. Have a look what we have been up to.



Settling into Year One in Autumn 1 2022


We have been having a fabulous time settling into our Year One Classroom. The children have enjoyed getting busy in our continuous provision. Have a look what we have been up to.

Building workshop 

We were very lucky to have one of our parents come in to tell us all about his job as a builder. He inspired the children by showing them how to build a brick wall, how to cut wood for a roof and how to mix cement. We even made a pebble mural. Thank you Mr Conway!

Matt Goodfellow Visit

On Tuesday we were visited by poet Matt Goodfellow, who read from his collection of poems in a fun assembly! He then helped us write some poetry of our own by encouraging us to write in our own voices and about our own lives.

Manchester Airport Trip

As part of our  ‘Flight’ topic we went on a visit to the Runway Visitor Park. We learned about all of the different jobs that people have at the airport and tried on all the different uniforms. We went on a tour around different aircrafts and we even sat in the flight decks. We were so lucky to get to see concord and learn all the interesting facts about the amazing aircraft. What an amazing day! 

Flo's Allotment


As part of their Science work on plants and growth our Year One children had a visit from Mrs Whilby today. Mrs Whilby is Miss Graham's daughter's "Grandma Flo" and Flo showed the children photos of her allotment and talked to them about the things that she grows there. Flo brought a variety of seeds in for the children to plant - including beetroot and cucumber seeds and some beans. Once they have germinated we will be transferring some of these into our allotment. The children also have some to take home to grow too.







Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

We had a wonderful day today to celebrate the Jubilee. We had an assembly and we sang our song to the Queen, we danced and we ate cake on the field!

Our classrooms were decorated and we came dressed to impress! 

Queen’s Jubilee drama workshop 


We had a great morning acting out the jubilee celebrations in our drama workshop. We pretended that we were invited to the palace and that we ate all the party food. It was lots of fun!

Firefighter visit

We had a visit from one of our parents and their team members in school this week. They showed us around a fire engine and talked about the role of a firefighter. They also spoke to us about fire safety too! It was an amazing experience for the children. 


We had a wonderful last day of term celebrating Easter. We sang our hearts out in assembly, we took part in an Easter egg raffle and we ended the day with an Easter egg hunt. 

World Book Day 2022

What an amazing day Year One had dressed up as their favourite book characters. We had an author and illustrator come in to visit us. She told us her story, then we had a drawing workshop in which we learnt how to draw one of her characters. In the afternoon Year Four visited us from the Juniors and they read us stories to bring our amazing World Book Day to an end. 









Lunar New Year Celebrations in Year One 

We have really enjoyed learning all about how Lunar New Year is celebrated. 

The children enjoyed created their own decorations in the craft. 

Christmas celebrations in Year One

We have been busy in our classroom getting in the Christmas Spirit 

Spooky day 2021

We had an amazing time on spooky day. In class we completed spooky activities and in the afternoon we had a spooky party on the hall! We all had a great day!

Autumn Term- September 2021

The children have settled very well in their new class room with great areas to explore. They have been very busy completing challenges and activities based around the topic, Houses and Homes. Although the highlight over the first couple of days was eating their dinners in the school hall, at last!





    Careful building ensuring the bricks are stable. 

                                           Challenges outside- word building






Macmillan Coffee Morning

The children brought a contribution in and delicious cakes were shared to raise money for people living with Cancer. Thank you parents for helping support this worthy cause.



Sports Day and end of the year fun!


Year 1 are absolutely thrilled to be coached for the Summer Term by professional basketball player, Pharroh Gordon.

What a lot of talent there is in Year 1... keep it up everyone!

Re-telling stories.

Our Year 1s are always recreating worlds and telling stories in the areas. This time we tried recreating 'Where the Wild Things are', with just a few small props.

Art and Science - cross curricular work exploring wild plants and Plaster of Paris work.

The children have began to identify and name common wild plants and flowers, and enjoy finding them in the hedgerows of the field and in forest school. 

We rolled out air drying clay to line a plastic container. We then gathered plants and flowers and set out a composition in the clay. The plants were gently pressed into the clay and then carefully peeled out. We then mixed up Plaster of Paris and explored the changes of state and observed the exothermic reaction - fun!

The children loved watching the big reveal as we peeled the clay away from the dry casts and washed off the surface of the finished piece.

Artists at work.

Spring Term

During January and February, the children at home and in school have been eager to learn all about the body. We've used our senses, learnt how our bodies digest food and also learnt the names of organs!

The children really enjoyed their virtual visit from the author Sarah Parkinson. They all had a go at drawing their own illustrations and produced some fabulous snowmen!

We love yoga!

Clay work

                                   Autumn Term 

We've enjoyed exploring our new classroom (inside and out) and being with all of our friends again! 

We started the term with the Oliver Jeffer's story "Here We Are". In these exceptional times, we're making sure that we take care of each other and remember to be kind. 

Seesaw Journals- Please connect

Sports Relief 2020

Have at look at at our Year One athletes attempting our assault course to raise money for this years sports relief. What amazing athletes!

Science Week 2020

For Science week we were thinking about ‘Our Diverse World’. In Year One we were thinking about diverse people and how we can adapt playground games to make them accessible to everyone, even if they don’t have all 5 of their senses. We adapted playground games for people who were blind or partially sighted. The children were great at thinking of their own adaptations. We also had. Go at drawing each other’s bodies and looking carefully at our similarities and differences. Have a look at us in action!

World Book Day 2020


We had such a great week this week to celebrate world book day. We had a visit from the illustrator Penny Neville-Lee and she taught us how to draw some of the illustrations from her stories and inspired us to draw.  We also had a visit from the author Sarah Parkinson who shared of her stories with us and she inspired us to write and illustrate our own stories. What’s more we dressed up on Friday as our favourite story characters and shared our favourite stories! Some children were lucky enough to be drawn out of the raffle and have a special story time with our therapy dog visitor. Year One had such fun and the children a amazing author illustrators. 

Our Museum Shelf

As part of our ‘ In the Old loft’ topic we have created a museum shelf to allow children to understand the different ways in which we learn about the past and to allow them to handle artefacts. We have been amazed by the wonderful and precious items the children have brought in and how they have been able to share interesting information about them! Have a look at the artefacts we have on our shelf.

Physiotherapist Visitor 

A Year One parent came into school to tell us all about the important job of a physiotherapist. We were able to look closely at the equipment used by a physiotherapist and we learnt about their uses. We enjoyed playing with the equipment. Have a look at the fun we had!



Body Experts

The children have really enjoyed learning about the human body and the senses. They have wanted to learn all about the different body systems so we have ran with their enthusiasm and looked more closely into the human body. We had team competitions where the children had to draw around a friend in their class and draw the body parts and systems they had been learning about. There work was pretty impressive and they were so knowledgable about the body. Have a look at the fun they had!

Chinese New Year Shadow Puppets 

As part of our learning about Chinese New Year, Miss Graham came into Year One to teach us how to make shadow puppets. We explored how shadows puppets are part of the Chinese tradition and looked at a variety of shadow puppets. We then designed and made our own shadow puppets to help retell the Chinese New Year ‘ Great Race’ story. 

Guide Dog Visit

We were very lucky to have a visit from Brailley the guide dog and his trainer. As part of our ‘Ourselves’ topic we have been learning about the senses and we learned about the lives of Louis Braille who was blind and Helen Keller who was blind and deaf. The children were keen to find out about how guide dogs help people today who are blind and deaf. When Brailley came into school, we were keen to get the answers to all our questions. The children learned about the life of the guide dog and how they are trained. Have a look at the photos from our special visit. 

Amazing Art Work

The children have been doing lots of self portraits and drawing detailed drawings of their eyes as part of their ‘Oursleves’ topic. Have a look at their amazing textured portraits!


Christmas in Year 1

The children have enjoyed designing and making their own Diva lamps or Christmas candles. They moulded candle pots from clay and moulded the candles from wax. 

We then wrapped them and finished them with a gift tag.

We also created our own baubles and Christmas cards. Have a look at our creations!



Christmas Party Day

We had a great day on our party day. We had and entertainer and a visit from Father Christmas. We played party games in the hall and a Christmas feast in our classroom! What a super day we had!

Learning through

play and settling in in Autumn term

Yan Tan Tethera

Here are some photos of our fabulous workshop with Professor Jiggit from Yan Tan Tethera. This artist had our children mesmerised. Their imaginations were racing.

The Professor told his stories of dragon hunting; showed them his collection of eggs; educated them on dragons; and then they matched the eggs to the correct dragons. He finished with an interactive story telling featuring the Cockertrice, played by one of our Year 1s!







Maths work in Autumn 1.

Here is a little peep at Year 1s using a range of equipment to explore ‘less than’ and ‘greater than’. We have also been using numicon to work on our number bonds to 10 and 20. Finally, everyone is doing a super job of reinforcing images in our heads of numberlines. We can use them to solve simple addition by drawing and counting jumps.


Autumn 1 2019


Amazing Art Work

This term our topic is 'Building and Homes'.  In Art we have been  drawing buildings in the same style as the artist Matthew Gibson using simple line drawings- I'm sure you'll agree this technique is so effective! After developing these skills we then drew our own dream homes and used different watercolour  techniques to add colour.  The children have really enjoyed developing their watercolour techniques in our Year 1 'Artist Area' too.

Take a look at our super art work below!


Look at the fabulous range of colours made here. Some children only had primary colours but still managed to work with water, colour mixing and clever use of white to make some wonderful new colours.

All the children have learnt how to use water colour brushes with care, and know how to use water create the desired results.


African Drumming and Dancing 


As part of our Artsmark the children in Year 1 had the opportunity to learn to play African drums or learn an African dance during our workshops this week. The children even took part in performances to the rest of the school in the afternoon. It was an amazing day enjoyed by all!


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2018-2019 Adventures And Experiences In Year 1!

What Fun We Had!


Dunham Massey Trip 

Year One had a great trip today at Dunham Massey. We enjoyed pond dipping and identifying wildlife all around the grounds.We also explored the  recreation of the WW1 hospital in the grounds of Dunham’s house .Have a look at fun we had!


Fruit Salad Designers

This week we have been designing fruits salads following a set design brief. We had to design fruit salads for people with allergies or fruit salads that would give us a boost of energy. We learned how to prepare and cut the fruit. We had great fun eating and evaluating our fruity designs. 



Ashton on Mersey Sports Festival 

Year one really enjoyed the multi-sports session with the high school students. They were great team players! Have a look at the fun we had!
