Wellfield Infant and Nursery School

We Inspire and Nurture Success


Lots of fun in the snow!

Our nursery Christmas stay and play performance and photos. We think the children in nursery are all super stars!!!


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Nursery rhymes week 2024

This week in nursery we have been learning all about nursery rhymes. Our favourite ones have been Incy Wincy spider, The big ship sails, 5 currant buns, twinkle twinkle little star and Old Mc Donald had a farm. We have enjoyed lots of different activities to do with these nursery rhymes.

Having fun for Children in need day

Spooky day in nursery

Raising lots and having cake with new friends at our MacMillan afternoon 

Welcome to all our nursery children

Wheelie Day

Nursery sports day

The visit from the Fire Service 

Our trip to Wythenshawe park

Off we go to Forest School

We have been very busy in Nursery 

People who help us

We have enjoyed some special visitors in Nursery this half term. Dr James and Nurse Frankie came in and told us all about their jobs. They talked about what they do and showed us the equipment that they use too. 


Summer 2024

Stay and Plant Sessions

Thank you to all of our parents that came and helped with the planting sessions we had in our nursery this week. The children loved you visiting us and thoroughly enjoyed planting the flowers. The nursery garden looks amazing and the children are loving looking after the flowers. Thank you for all of your support. 

Supporting information for zones of regulation

Secret Readers

During this term the children are loving having a secret reader visit them each week and share a story with them. Thank you to all of our parents for supporting us with this. 

Mini Beasts
The children have enjoyed sharing the story Superworm over the last few weeks. The have been very excited to go outside in search of lots of different mini beasts. 

Spring 2024

Science Day 2024

During our science day we looked at ‘time’ and joined in with lots of 1 minute challenges.

* How tall can you build your tower in 1 minute? 

* How long can you roll your play dough in 1 minute?

*How many pom poms can you place in a bowl in 1 minute?
*How many jugs of water can fill the bucket in 1minute?

*How many star jumps can you do in 1 minute?

*How may beanbags can you throw in the hoops in 1minute?

*How many rice crispy scoops can you fill in 1 minute?

International Women's Day

We were part of the record breaking event to see if we could get as many girls as possible playing football.

Celebrating World Book Day

The children really enjoyed dressing up, making things and reading stories during our World Book day.


Stay and play session

Getting ready for reading

Thank you to everyone who attend our sessions this week. We hope you found them informative. The children loved showing you all of the activities they join in with at nursery. 

Welcome to our new nursery children and their families.

The children have had lots of fun making new friends and exploring their new environment. 

Snow Day

We were very lucky this week to be able to go out and explore the snow. We all had a fantastic time. 

Autumn 2023

Christmas Party

The children had lots of fun at the Christmas party. They even had a visit from Father Christmas. 
Merry Christmas to you all from us all at Wellfield. 

Christmas Stay and Play and Singalong

Thank you to everyone who came to our sessions. It was lovely to show you our nursery and to sing a few Christmas songs to you. We all had a great time.