Wellfield Infant and Nursery School

We Inspire and Nurture Success


Wheelie Day

Nursery sports day

The visit from the Fire Service 

Our trip to Wythenshawe park

Off we go to Forest School

We have been very busy in Nursery 

People who help us

We have enjoyed some special visitors in Nursery this half term. Dr James and Nurse Frankie came in and told us all about their jobs. They talked about what they do and showed us the equipment that they use too. 


Summer 2024

Stay and Plant Sessions

Thank you to all of our parents that came and helped with the planting sessions we had in our nursery this week. The children loved you visiting us and thoroughly enjoyed planting the flowers. The nursery garden looks amazing and the children are loving looking after the flowers. Thank you for all of your support. 

Supporting information for zones of regulation

Secret Readers

During this term the children are loving having a secret reader visit them each week and share a story with them. Thank you to all of our parents for supporting us with this. 

Mini Beasts
The children have enjoyed sharing the story Superworm over the last few weeks. The have been very excited to go outside in search of lots of different mini beasts. 

Spring 2024

Science Day 2024

During our science day we looked at ‘time’ and joined in with lots of 1 minute challenges.

* How tall can you build your tower in 1 minute? 

* How long can you roll your play dough in 1 minute?

*How many pom poms can you place in a bowl in 1 minute?
*How many jugs of water can fill the bucket in 1minute?

*How many star jumps can you do in 1 minute?

*How may beanbags can you throw in the hoops in 1minute?

*How many rice crispy scoops can you fill in 1 minute?

International Women's Day

We were part of the record breaking event to see if we could get as many girls as possible playing football.

Celebrating World Book Day

The children really enjoyed dressing up, making things and reading stories during our World Book day.


Stay and play session

Getting ready for reading

Thank you to everyone who attend our sessions this week. We hope you found them informative. The children loved showing you all of the activities they join in with at nursery. 

Welcome to our new nursery children and their families.

The children have had lots of fun making new friends and exploring their new environment. 

Snow Day

We were very lucky this week to be able to go out and explore the snow. We all had a fantastic time. 

Autumn 2023

Christmas Party

The children had lots of fun at the Christmas party. They even had a visit from Father Christmas. 
Merry Christmas to you all from us all at Wellfield. 

Christmas Stay and Play and Singalong

Thank you to everyone who came to our sessions. It was lovely to show you our nursery and to sing a few Christmas songs to you. We all had a great time. 


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Nursery rhyme week

The children have enjoyed singing lots of different nursery rhymes. They had a great time making their own puppets to act out and sing along to the rhymes which supported them with the development of their language and fine motor skills. 

Spooky Day

The children all dressed up with some amazing outfits. They enjoyed lots of different activities from cutting up the worms, scooping out the pumpkin, decorating a spider biscuit and making spooky potions in the water. 

Autumn Adventures

The children have enjoyed joining in with lots of different activities to help us explore Autumn. 

World Mental Health Day 2023

The children enjoyed using different breathing techniques throughout the day to help calm their bodies and minds. 
We also made some sensory bottles that we took home to use as a calming tool. 
We had a chat about how we can keep our bodies happy and healthy. 

Dot Day

This week the children have enjoyed sharing the story The Dot by Peter Reynolds. We started off with our own dots and took them on different adventures. 

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Nursery 2023-2024

Welcome to all of the children and parents that have joined us this week. It has been lovely getting to know you all. The children have all settled in really well and they have enjoyed exploring the different areas in our nursery and making new friends.

End of Summer term 2023 

50th birthday celebrations

What a way to end our school year by having a 70’s themed day. We all enjoyed a fantastic and fun filled day. The children looked amazing in their costumes. 

Nursery School Trip

Unfortunately the visit to Ashton Park had to be cancelled due to the weather. Instead we invited our grown ups to join us for a fun filled afternoon in nursery. We played games in the hall with the parachute, sang and played our musical instruments and played in the areas of our classroom. Lots of fun was had by everyone. 

The beat goes on

The children loved joining in with this workshop. We made music with lots of different parts of our bodies and we practised keeping up with different beats. It was great fun. 

Sports Day 

All of the children enjoyed taking part in our mini sports sessions. Thank you to everyone for coming to watch us. The children loved completing the races.









People Who Help Us

Over the last few weeks we have been finding out about different jobs. We have been extremely lucky to have visits from  parents who work in the health profession and the emergency services. We have all enjoyed this topic.






Mark Making

We have had lots of fun outside practising drawing big and little anti clockwise circles





Oh what fun we had bringing our bikes and scooters into school. 






We had a wonderful day celebrating the coronation of King Charles. There was lots of dancing and playing games followed by a fantastic street party. Three cheers for King Charles!











The children have been practising lots of different circus skills from spinning plates to walking on the stilts. They were amazing at practising these new skills and we were very proud of how they kept trying to master these skills by persevering. 





Thank you to everyone for coming to join us for a stay and play session. It was lovely to see you all. The children were thrilled to be able to show you around their nursery and loved you being involved in the different activities. 







Feedback comments from parents

' It was an absolute joy to be able to come into nursery and be able to play alongside my child'.

'Great event thanks so much for arranging'.

'I love how much freedom the children have to explore all the areas'.

'It was lovely to be part of the school community'.

'A lovely session that gave us an insight into what happens in nursery'.

'So lovely to see how free and happy the children are'.

'There are so many activities on offer and the variety ensures my child could never be bored which is really saying something for a 4 year old'. 


This half term we are continuing with our forest school sessions. The highlight for the children has been toasting marshmallows on the fire. Yum yum!!







We learn a new sign each week to help us communicate with all of our friends. These are shared with the parents to enable them to support their child in this area of their learning. 

These are the signs we have learnt so far.


World Book Day

On Thursday we had a lovely day dressing up and sharing stories. We enjoyed having the Year 6 classes from the junior school visit us. 




Breathing Exercises

In nursery we have been learning some breathing exercises that we can use in different situations, for example when we feel scared, cross or to help us calm down. These are rainbow breathing, star breathing, bumble bee breathing, tummy breathing and shoulder breathing. 







Lunar New Year

Year of the Rabbit!

The children found out lots about this festival. We made our own spring rolls, lanterns and we all joined in with the dragon dance. It was great fun. 








Snow Days

Recently the children have enjoyed playing out in the snow. For some children it was their first experience of this. We all had a great time!





Forest School

The children have enjoyed the forest school sessions. So far we have done bark rubbings, played games and  enjoyed some mindfulness activities.


Stick Man

The children have recently enjoyed sharing the story 'Stick Man' by Julia Donaldson. We had a go at  making our own stick people and taking photographs of them using the Ipad. 



We then carried on sharing some other books written by the same author. We painted pictures of the Gruffalo and continued to practise taking photos of our Gruffalo caves using the Ipads.









Christmas Party

The children enjoyed playing games with their friends at the party and they loved seeing our special visitor. Thank you to everyone for all of your support.

Merry Christmas everyone!








Christmas Sing along











Christmas Baking

The children had great fun making their biscuits. We very carefully followed the instructions and measured out our ingredients. We hope you all enjoyed eating them. 






Tumble tots Fundraiser 

The children had a fantastic time joining in with our tumble tots session. Thank you to everyone for donating to this amazing event. We will use the money raised to purchase small gifts for the children who are receiving treatment on the oncology ward at Manchester Children's Hospital. 









Children in Need 

The children loved making their own Pudsey headbands. They all spent a lot of time sticking the stickers on to the headband. It was quite a tricky job but we all persevered and managed to decorate our headbands. Don't we look gorgeous!




Remembrance Day

The children made their own poppies to help them think about the soldiers who have and who do look after our country. 


Spooky Day

The children have had a great time today. They have explored cutting worm spaghetti, carving the pumpkin, rescuing insects from the spiders web, dancing to spooky music and games. Lots of fun was had by all. 




Welcome to our Nursery

September 2022

The children have had a great time in nursery over the last few weeks, making new friends and getting to know each other. They have enjoyed exploring all the areas of the classroom both inside and out.






Sports Day

Thank you to you all for coming to watch us on sports day. Lots of fun was had by all. 





Play and Stay

The children enjoyed the grown ups visiting them in Nursery. They were very excited to show them everything they do. Thank you to everyone for your lovely feedback. 



Day to Create


The children enjoyed using their imagination by listening to different music, exploring different props and talking about different settings. They were then given a magic door and went off to create different things behind their doors. 






Forest school

We had lots of fun making our nature bracelets in our forest school session this week. 


Nursery Visit to Wythenshawe Park 

Thank you to everyone that joined us on our visit to Wythenshawe Park. The weather was extremely kind to us and a good day was had by all. 




 The Queen's Platinum Jubilee


The children have had a fantastic few days in Nursery finding out about the Queen, where she lives and looking at the landmarks of London. 

Today we had a wonderful day where we dressed up as royalty and attended a royal banquet. What a fantastic start to celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. 

Thank you to everyone for making it such a memorable event. 







Forest School

Last week we started our forest school sessions. The children are enjoying finding out about lots of different mini beasts and are having fun exploring the forest school area. We can't wait for next Friday!



People Who Help Us


In the Nursery we have been finding out about lots of different people who help us. We have enjoyed this topic very much and have loved having visitors into school telling us about their jobs. 

Thank you to the visitors for giving up their time for us. It is greatly appreciated.






Biscuit Dunking Investigation

During science week we investigated which type of biscuit the gingerbread man should have been made out of if he wanted to stay dry as he crossed the river. 

We explored this question by investigating which biscuit either a gingerbread or custard cream absorbed the least amount of water in the longest length of time. 



The children have enjoyed reading the story of the gingerbread man. They then individually baked their own gingerbread man. This was great fun and they tasted yummy. Luckily for us they didn't run away when we got them out of the oven!




World Book Day

The children enjoyed coming to school dressed as their favourite book character. The children from the junior school came over to share some stories with us as well. A fantastic day was had by all. 




Sign of the week 

The children over the last few weeks have been learning lots of different signs to help us communicate with friends in our class. They have enjoyed learning these and they are amazing at remembering the different signs.

Below are some of the signs that we have been learning. 





Pancake Day

The children worked in small groups to mix all of the ingredients together to make their pancakes. The mixture was fried on the hot plate. They then chose which topping they wanted on their pancake. Chocolate spread was the favourite!





Lunar New Year

Year of the Tiger

The children have loved learning about Chinese New Year celebrations in nursery. We have had our own Chinese resturant where we have taken each others orders and cooked food for our friends. We all worked together and made up a dragon dance outside moving around to the music and the beating of the drums. It was great fun. 






The nursery children have been talking about Winter and have been involved in lots of different activities over the last few weeks. They have been having great fun!




Spooky Day

The children all enjoyed joining in with our spooky day activites. We made magic wands, played in the slime, carved out a pumpkin, coloured in spooky pictures and played spooky games. We loved playing musical batues!!











September 2021

The children have had lots of fun making new friends and exploring all of the areas in our Nursery over the last week. They have all settled into the routine well and are having a fantstic time. We are very proud of all of  them. 







Autumn 2021

Hello everybody welcome to our Nursery. We are really looking forward to meeting you all next week.

We have been very busy getting the nursery ready for you to play in. Here are a few photographs of the different areas you can play in. I wonder where you would like to play first? 





















The children love being outdoors, so we been spending as much time as we can outdoors having fun in the sun.


Our Teddy Bear's Picnic

The teddies, rabbits, Mario and Sonic visited Nursery and we all had a picnic in the shade in our woods. We then played some teddy bear games. In the afternoon the teddies had a little nap while we ate teddy bear biscuits that we made. 










Our Activity Morning and Afternoon

With the sun out, we had lots of fun running with speed in and out of the cones, balanced and travelling over a tricky obstacle course and there were no breakages of eggs as we carried the eggs around a cone. We had a splendid medal ceremony and finished with a refreshing ice lolly. The children were great sports and loved cheering and encouraging their friends. 

Our Warm up



The Races

























The Medal ceremony and ice lolly treat

We ended our activity day with a medal ceremony and ice lolly treat which we all deserved after our fantastic efforts. 











Bring a plant to school day 

We were overwhelmed with all the wonderful contributions we received when we asked for plants. Strawberry and tomato plants as well as an assortment of marigolds, petunias and geraniums. We learnt all about the roots, stem. leaves and flowers and we handled the plants very carefully when we planted them. Now we are regularly watering them and awaiting for some strawberries and tomatoes. With a little sun and rain we are   admiring the colours of the flowers. 




Incy Wincy Spider

One of our favourite nursery rhymes is Incy Wincy Spider. We felt sorry for him, getting washed down the spout by the rain. So, we explored which sticky material kept him stuck to the spout. The glue spots worked the best. (No real life spiders were used in this investigation- only plastic ones!)  






Snail Racing

We found a snail in the woods and called him Stanley. Then we went on a hunt for more snails, so we could have a snail race. The children were very interested in the way the snails moved and were amazed at how the smaller snails were more speedy. When we finished the race we put the snails back where we had found them. 





The day the Police came to Nursery

With lots of us taking on the role of police officers looking after everybody, we decided to invite the police to come and talk to us about their job. We learnt all about how the police officers keep us safe, what clothing they wear and the equipment they carry. Finally we had a good look at a police car.



Indoor Fun

'NOT BY THE HAIR ON MY CHINNY CHIN CHIN...I WILL NOT LET YOU IN! We have been reading the traditional tale- The Three little Pigs. We painted pigs and made pig puppets. We also used the Wolf hairdryer to see what can be blown away. We found out that light tings moves with a wolf huff and puff but heavy things did not get blown down. 



The three little pig- builders 

We put on our safety goggles to create and make using wood and hammers.  Boats, trains, Elsas and racing cars are some of our creations. 



Transient Art

This area has a builders theme with nuts and bolts in there. We've made some lovely pictures.



In our Craft Area

We have a range of tools and materials to use and we love making all kinds of things such as belts, necklaces and masks to name just a few.






Easter Egg Eggstavaganza!

We have had a week filled with eggy activities... egg painting, making easter egg nest cake- YUM! and an Easter egg hunt in Charlie's garden. The week ended with a party and a surprise visit from the Easter bunny delivering lots of delicious Easter eggs!!
















Outside Fun

With longer warmer days the Nursery children have been spending every possible moment outside learning through play.






We have been learning about life in the sea and how plastic pollution has been endangering this precious life. We reused plastic bags to make kites and had a lot of fun flying them on a windy March day. 



We have also been exploring the 'Forest school' area learning how to balance by walking along tree trunks and collecting natural objects to decorate Easter eggs such as dandelion flowers. 





World Book Day- 

Beware of the tigers and a very special author who came to Nursery...


There were tigers who came to tea, Old MacDonald, Spiderman, Elsa, the Smartest giant in town, Bottomly Potts all covered in spots, princesses, Superman, rabbits, Stick man, Alice in wonderland, pirates, bears, witches, Peter Pan and Morgana to name a few who came in to Nursery for World Book day.






 We had a fun filled day of reading books, making books and book marks, making book hats and finding different book characters outside. At the end of the day we met an author Trish Cooke who wrote lots of books including a Nursery favourite .... SO MUCH! She told us the story and we joined in. We really did have a splendid day. 




Our book hats 



Spring Fun

We have had a busy start to the term. Six new nursery friends have joined us this term and  some of us have been learning at home. Everyone has been thinking about the birds  during these very cold weeks and we have made some tasty treats for our feathered friends. We have also been reading some traditional tales-The Billy Goats Gruff and The Little Red Hen. The children had lots of fun making bread and building bridges.


Our New friends

Our new friends have been exploring their new surroundings and keeping in touch joining in with our online home learning sessions.  





 Home Learning

Our parents have been fantastic helping us continue our learning journey at home.



Making Bread 

After reading the Little Red Hen we had a go at making bread at school and at home! 


Tweety Treat Fun

The local birds were given lots tasty treats made at home and at school. 



Outside Fun

Muddy walks at home and sledge fun at school even though the weather has been very cold we've had lots of fun exploring outside. 






Wheelie Day

For our marble jar treat we were able to bring our bikes or scooters to school. Thanks to the Reception classes, we borrowed their playground which gave us plenty of space to show our wheels to our friends. 











Nursery Santa Dash

On Friday we dodged the showers, dressed in our Christmas hats and ran around the large field behind the school. We sang Christmas songs and jumped over puddles and had a fabulous time. Many thanks for all your kind donations to 'Save the Children fund'. 










Wonderful Winter Hunt

This week we went on a walk to the forest school area. We were looking for signs of winter. We used all our senses. We heard birds chattering including a neighbour's cockerel and spotted a large nest in the trees. We saw seagulls on the football field and spotted they had orange beaks. We looked closely at the buds on the trees and saw fungus and moss growing on the tree trunks. We talked about the prickly holly. Finally we had lots of fun swinging in the hammock, playing in the pirate ship and mud kitchen and balancing on the wooden logs. It was definitely cold- a fabulous winter wonderland walk!











Children In Need

We all dressed up in something bright or spotty and joined in with the Joe Wicks 24 hour PE challenge for children. Our adults were very impressed with how fit we are and lots of money was raised for a good cause.




Diwali celebrations took place in Nursery. We lit divas and shared sweets which  one of our Nursery friends brought in. Then drew Rangoli patterns in chalk outside and also drew mendhi patterns on paper cutout hands.






Yucky Worms

This week we have been learning all about worms. We have been worm hunters searching everywhere for worms. We handled the worms then brought them inside to look at them closely using bug viewers. We noticed that worms did not have any eyes. Although we all agreed they felt tickerly and sticky we understood the important job they do to help plants grow. 







Remembrance Day  

The children painted poppies to remember the brave people who fought in wars all over the world.          











Spooky Day Spectacular

We had a spooktacular day before half term. Dressed in costumes that gave all our teachers a fright, we enjoyed a day of activities and games. We scooped out pumpkins, decorated spider biscuits, did some spooky dancing, stirred some magic potions and served up some ghoulish treats to the babies. 







Autumn Jelly

We had so much fun exploring a jelly with autumnal treasures in. With spoons at the ready we enjoyed digging in to see what we could find although we knew it was a jelly we could not eat! 





October 2020

Autumn Adventures

Over the last couple of weeks the nursery children have been exploring the outside environment. Including climbing trees, swinging on the tree swing, using the large construction equipment to make buses. The superheros have been keeping fit on an obstacle course and practicing their throwing skills. They have been exploring what happens when  mixing different powder paints together. Phew.... they have been so busy. It's time for a rest over the half term holiday!     








Of course, inside has been explored too.   





September 2020

Welcome to our Nursery

It has been wonderful meeting all the children who are joining our nursery class. We have all had a very busy but enjoyable couple of days... walking babies to the park, painting, cutting and sticking.










Due to Covid restrictions only one adult should be bringing the children to school. Many thanks with your understanding of this.  


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