SEND and Support for Families
Mrs Michelle Tucker
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, (SEND), Co Ordinator, Mental Health Lead and Inclusion Lead
Mrs Tucker is the SEND Co Ordinator, Mental Health Lead and Inclusion Lead for our school. She works closely with the class teachers and teaching assistants to ensure that all children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities are identified and that the right support and provision is in place for the pupils. Mrs Tucker gained the SENDCO Award in 2018 and is a member of the School's Senior Leadership Team. She is a specialist in Social Communication Difficulties and Autistic Spectrum Disorder and has previously worked in Special Schools. She has extensive working knowledge of how to support a wide range of other SEN issues too and is the class teacher in the Small Specialist Class (SSC).
Mrs Tucker helps staff to develop intervention groups and targeted activities to support children in school, she helps to complete assessments of children's needs through observations and uses screening tools for issues such as dyslexia and sensory processing disorders. Mrs Tucker also helps to provide information and activities for parents of children with SEND to use to support their children at home and arranges for specialist support from other agencies such as Speech and Language Therapists, Special Educational Needs Advisory Service (SENAS), Occupational Therapists where appropriate. All referrals to other agencies are done using the service referral form and parents permission is always sought in the first instance for this.
Mrs Tucker also can support families and if families feel that they are in need of additional support from other agencies and a referral to Trafford's Early Help Team can be completed with the family. This means that the family is further supported by other professionals that the Early Help Team feel they would benefit from, such as parenting courses, like the Incredible Years behaviour management workshops for parents and carers or a family support worker to work closely with the family in the home.
If you have any concerns about your child's development or feel that you require some support please contact the school office on 0161 962 1828 and ask to speak to Mrs Tucker or email
Ideas To Support Young People With Autism Over The Christmas Period
Trafford Family Help-Holiday Guide
Trafford SEND Newsletter-December Edition
Parent Courses
Autism Support and Resources for Families Pre and Post Diagnosis.
Trafford Autism and Social Communication Hub
BBC Happy People Sensory Advice About Food for Parents
National Autistic Society (NAS) Support for Parents/Carers
Neurodiversity Support and Advice
ADHD Support and Advice for Parents/Carers and Young People
Autism Acceptance Week 2nd April-8th April 2024
National Autistic Society (NAS) Support, Links and Resources
ERIC Website Support and Advice on Toileting for Parents and Carers
Links for Parents to Access for Speech & Language Therapy Advice and Support.
SEND Link Newsletter with Key Information
Speech & Language Advice 0-4 years old
Tips For Families of Children In EYFS With Behaviour Strategies
October Half Term Activities for Children with SEND
Parent Support Chatty Cafe
Greater Manchester Autism Consortium Parent and Carer Support.
WINS Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
SEND Impact Report 2021-2022
Free Parent Workshops from Greater Manchester Autism Consortium
Speech & Language Support & Advice BBC Tiny Happy People
Trafford SEND Link Newsletter
Support & Guidance for Parents/Carers of Children with Special Educational Needs
Emotion Coaching support for Parents
Supporting Anxiety in Children
Trafford Toolkit
NAS Advice for Parents
Mrs Ange De Fouw is a trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. She provides small group work for children who have been identified as needing help with self regulation or expressing their needs and emotions.
Our school employs the services of Miss Sophie Ridley to help children with a range of social and emotional difficulties. Sophie is a trained counsellor who also works as a Teaching assistant at Wellfield Junior school. She has extensive knowledge and experience of providing therapeutic support for young children. Sophie's work in school is predominantly with individual pupils who have been identified by staff or their parents as needing extra support. However, where appropriate she may also be used for work with small groups of children too.
Sophie can help children with a range of social and emotional issues including:-
Anger Issues
Anxiety/ Post traumatic stress
Loss/ Bereavement
Lack of confidence
If you feel your child would benefit from working with Sophie, please contact the school office and ask to speak to Miss Graham
Individual Health Care Plans
All children in our school with an identified Health need have an Individual Health Care Plan drawn up to ensure that staff have the right information about a child's needs and how to care for them. This plan is put together in consultation with the child's parents, key health professionals, our SENDCo - Mrs Tucker, and the child's class teacher and is reviewed on a regular basis. We ask parents and carers to inform us about any health needs their children may have on our admission form.
Health Visitors and the School Nursing Service
Our Nursery children come under the Health Visitors' team. The Health Visitors in our area now carry out health and development checks with two year olds. They also provide advice and support to parents and carers relating to a range of areas relating to children's development and health and can do referrals to other heath professionals. Our school works in close partnership with this service. In order for us to support our pupils as effectively as possible it is always useful for us to know who each child's Health Visitor is and we ask for this information on our Nursery admissions forms.
All children from Reception upwards come under the School Nursing Service. This service carries out health checks in school such as hearing tests and height/ weight checks and they are also responsible for administering and immunisations for pupils too. The school nurse can help with referrals to health professionals such as Paediatricians and Occupational Therapists. They can also support parents and carers on issues relating to their children's health such as sleep issues and incontinence issues. Parents can get in contact with the school nursing team by speaking to Mrs Tucker (SENDCO) or by requesting a call back via the school office.