Wellfield Infant and Nursery School

We Inspire and Nurture Success

Meet the Governors

Please find below a list of our School Governors and some information about them. 

If you would like to speak to one of our governors please contact Mrs Julian in the office on 0161 962 1828 to arrange an appointment


Doctor Nicky Martins - Joint Chair of Governors
Term of office - 23/02/2024 to 22/02/2028



  • School Effectiveness Committee
  • Pay Committee
  • Finance, Health and Safety and Building Committee
  • Headteacher's Performance Management Committee


Link Governor:-

  • Teaching and Learning Link Governor


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

  • Nothing to declare


Governor Statement:-

As a mother of two living locally, my two children were very happy young learners at WINS. Both attend secondary school now, but I am indebted to WINS for the individualised care and support that they received that in turn embedded a truly positive attitude in them both at the start of their formal schooling experience. Most importantly, I knew that my children were known, and that their physical and emotional needs were also met by the professional and caring staff at the school. As an experienced secondary teacher, I understand the ever -changing educational landscape, and feel honoured to be able to work with a school that is so dynamic and exciting. The students are central to everything that happens at WINS, and I am honoured to support the school in whatever way I can help facilitate young learners at WINS to succeed and realise their full potential within a respectful environment.


Ms Clare Gosling - Joint Chair of Governors
Term of office - 29/09/2024 to 30/09/2028



  • Finance, Buildings and Health & Safety


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

  • Nothing to declare


Governor Statement:-

I joined the Governing Body in 2016. After graduating university I qualified as an accountant in Manchester. Since then I've worked for a number of banks and insurance companies as part of their finance teams.
 I am now the chief finance officer of Unity Trust Bank - a bank as committed to our social impact as we are to our bottom line.
 Both my children have attended Wellfield infants. I chose to become a governor to say thank you for the outstanding experience they have had.


Mr David Moodie - Vice Chair of Governors

Term of office: 10.10.22 to 9.10.26

  • Pupils, Parents and Community Committee
  • Finance, Health and Safety and Building Committee 
Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-
  • Nothing to declare


Governor Statement:-

I began my journey with WINS in 2018, initially as a parent governor while my two children attended Wellfield and have since transitioned to a co opted governor as they moved to the Junior school.

My role is centred on practical governance, leveraging my first hand experience as a parent within the school. My objective is to constructively contribute to the school's strategy and operations, emphasising pragmatic and effective educational outcomes. Additionally, my professional background in business consultancy informs my approach, bringing a unique perspective to the governing body.


Cllr Sue Maitland - LA Governor

Term of office 10.10.22 - 09.10.26



  • School Effectiveness Committee
  • Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attendance Committee


Link Governor:-

  • GDPR & E Safety Link Governor


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

  • Nothing to declare


Governor Statement:-

I have worked with children and young people my whole working life, throughout which I have been focused on supporting children and families to reach their full potential. Whilst in the position of district head of centre for Manchester Sure Start Children's Centres I became a community governor at Wilbraham Primary school in a bid to assist the school in delivering the best provision for the children and their families in Fallowfield.

Since retiring, in addition to becoming an elected member of Trafford Council, I have taken on many voluntary roles within the community such as developing and delivering a stay and play facility for children and families under five years of age, assisting at the Stretford foodbank and being a Cyril Flint befriender, (that is being a friend and support to an elderly disabled person in local community).

I have a keen interest in early years education, and I am always eager to explore new, innovative and exciting ways to improve the learning outcomes of young children.

I will offer dedication and support to the children, families and staff of WINS , as looking after the best interest of young children continues to remain very close to my heart.


Mrs Donna Lamey - Co opted Governor

Term of office - 12.2024 to 12. 2028




  • School Effectiveness Committee


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

I am employed by Bright Futures and one of the roles I hold is the Head of the Bright Futures North West Early Years Stronger Practice Hub. Wellfield Infant and Nursery School is a named partner for this DFE funded Hub.


Governor Statement:-

I am a passionate teacher, researcher and educator and have around 25 years experience of working in early years and primary settings. My previous roles consist of teaching, working in children’s centres and local authority EYFS advisory roles. I have also worked as an Early Years Subject Leader of Education (SLE) for four years, providing support for various early years settings, including completing school reviews to promote better outcomes for children. I am passionate about creating strong foundations in early learning.

I currently work in initial teacher training and lead the training and development of early years teachers. I also support the quality assurance of Early Career Teachers (ECTs). I am passionate about staff development and how this impacts on children’s outcomes. In addition to these roles, I am also the assistant head of the Bright Futures Northwest Stronger Practice Hub, providing support, advice and guidance to a wide range of early years practitioners across the north-west area.

I have had the pleasure to work in partnership with WINS for the past four years and I really value their inspirational approaches to teaching and learning.  I am really looking forward to working with the school more to contribute to the governance of this wonderful setting.


Mrs Sharon Alderson - Co opted Governor

Term of office - 3.10.21 to 2.10.25



  • School Effectiveness Committee
  • Finance, Health and Safety and Building Committee


Link Governor:-

  • Inclusion & SEND Link Governor


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

Member of staff at WINS


Governor Statement:-

I am a co-opted governor at WINS and now a member of staff.

Being a parent, I experienced first hand the nurturing and caring nature of this wonderful school. I became a governor to help support the local community and my local school. WINS provides an outstanding education for our children and fosters strong relationships with children and their parents; as a governor I wish to continue to support the school maintain these relationships. Having previously worked as a scientist I have experience in data analysis and support the school governors in interpreting school performance data.


Mrs Tracy London - Co opted Governor

Term of office - 17.11.22 to 16.11.26



  • Pupils, Parents and Community Committee
  • Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attendance Committee
  • School Effectiveness Committee


Link Governor:-

  • Safeguarding Link Governor


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

  • Nothing to declare


Governor Statement:-

I have been a Governor at Wellfield Infant and Nursery School since 2010, having developed an interest in supporting the school’s work when my daughter started as a pupil here. My daughter is now in higher education, I remained part of the governing body at WINS where I continue to support the head and staff to lay the best foundations in our children's education. Having previously worked as a police officer in the child protection multi agency referral and assessment unit I had the skillset to be the link governor for safeguarding at the school. As a result of my previous role and other various other voluntary roles I have awareness of the challenges that families can face. Schools now provide more than just education; they have become community hubs, whilst keeping the children at the heart of our school community together with supporting our families in all aspects of parenting. We strive to give our children a safe nurturing environment to flourish. This is why I continue to support WINS.

Ms Cathy Graham - Headteacher
Term of office - 1.9.11 onwards



As the Headteacher of the school I sit on all committees.


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

  • Headteacher at WINS


Governor Statement:-

I am now in my 13th year as the Headteacher of Wellfield Infant and Nursery School. prior to this I held the post of Deputy Headteacher at Wilbraham Primary School, a large primary school in Manchester, where I also held thee role of SENDCo and taught across all year groups from the Nursery through to Year 6. Before moving to Wilbraham, I had also held the role of Deputy Head at Flixton Infant School in Trafford and I have also previously worked for Trafford's School Improvement Service as an Early Years Consultant.


I have always been keen to share my experience and knowledge to support the children I serve in my own school and beyond in order to help to give the next generation the very best start. I sit on Trafford Council's Best beginnings Board and, in addition to my Headteacher role here at WINS, I am currently seconded for 1 1/2 days a week to work for thee Department for Education as the Head of Hub for the Bright Futures North West Early Years Stronger Practice Hub, supporting practitioners from across the Early years workforce in the North West.

In my role as Headteacher I spend as much time as I possibly can in the classrooms, observing and supporting the teaching and learning and getting to know the children. This is extremely important to me as it helps to ensure that I have a sound understanding of the quality of the work going on in the school and allows me to ensure that the provision in place for each child enables them to reach their potential. 

I always endeavour to provide the School Governors with as much information as possible about the school including the welfare of the pupils, the quality of teaching and learning and the outcomes for our pupils. The governors' role is crucial in ensuring that the school's Senior Leadership Team have a clear understanding of the school's position and it's priorities as well as supporting them in continuing to drive the school forward. 

Mrs Rose Fairclough - Deputy Headteacher & Co opted Governor
Term of office - 10.10.22 to 9.10.26



  • School Effectiveness Committee
  • Finance, Health & Safety and Buildings Committee
  • Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attendance Committee


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

  • Deputy Headteacher at WINS


Governor Statement:-

I have been a teacher at Wellfield Infants since 2001 and have been a governor for 10 years. Throughout my time at Wellfield I have taught in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and have taken on a variety of management roles taking on the responsibility of Deputy Head in 2011. I currently hold the role of Acting Headteacher on the days when Miss Graham is carrying out her DFE role duties.

My passion is music which I feel is an essential element of the curriculum for all children from a very early age. I run the joint infant and junior choir and am responsible for the music curriculum throughout the school.

Being a governor allows me to have a greater influence and involvement with school decisions and drive the school forwards, always striving for excellence.


Karen Evans - Teaching Assistant/Staff Governor

Term of Office 04/12/2024 to 03/12/28



  • Parents and Community Committee
  • School Effectiveness Committee


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

  • Member of staff at WINS


Governor Statement:-

Since arriving at WINS as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant several years ago, my passion for making a difference to the children's attainment, safety and most of all enjoyment has been at the forefront of everything I do. In addition to this I am a committed member of the staff team and devote my time and energy into the role of staff governor and am always striving for the best possible outcome for our children, our staff and our outstanding school.


Being part of the governing team and contributing to the school's vision with the aim of continuously improving the quality of education and to raise standards for all our children is what it means for me in my governing roles.




The following governors are no longer in office:



Dr Shaun Thompson - Co opted Governor

Term of office - 13/05/2024 to 15/ 10/ 2024



  • School Effectiveness


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

  • Nothing to declare


Governor Statement:-

I am currently the Strategic Lead for the Primary PGCE training at Edge Hill University which has sites in both Ormskirk and Bury. This postgraduate teacher training programme was awarded Outstanding in all areas by Ofsted in 2024. In my role I work closely with a number of schools across the north west and a key part of my role is to ensure that I mainta8in up to date knowledge of educational policy and practice. I have also previously worked in initial teacher training at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln. Prior to this I worked in a number of primary and special schools, working with children aged 3 - 19 years. I have held both the role of Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher in Primary schools. I feel I have a great deal of knowledge and experience I can bring to the role of governor at Wellfield Infants. I have been involved in research relating to how best to support pupils with autism in developing their mathematical knowledge and understanding. I feel that this work, along with my experience both in mainstream and special schools, will be an asset to the support and advice I can provide here at Wellfield. Amongst my other work I have also been involved in studies relating to teacher well being which is something that is, of course, of high importance. I am thrilled to have been given this opportunity to make a positive contribution to the school and it's community. 


Mrs Lynne Farnell - Vice Chair of Governors

Term of office 22.3.21 to 18.3.24



  • Parents and Community Committee
  • Finance, Health and Safety and Buildings Committee
  • Headteacher's Performance Management Committee


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

  • Nothing to declare 


Governor Statement:- My family has been part of the WINS community since 2016. I was honoured to join the Governing body in 2021 to share my expertise gained from working in higher education and the arts as a fundraiser, board member and coach mentor. I bring a skill set of developing and securing funds for transformational education programmes for young people, preparing and analysing complex financial information and extensive decision making at Board level.  I'm passionate about opening educational and cultural opportunities to all and am committed to championing the supportive, creative, child centred and ambitious ethos that makes WINS such a wonderful learning environment.


Ms Pam Carraher - Parent Governor

Term of office - 1.2.21 to 25.6.24



  • Pupils, Parents and Community Committee
  • Pay Committee


Statement of relevant business and financial interest to WINS:-

  • Nothing to declare


Governor Statement:-

I began as a governor over 7 years ago when my son was in the infants and I wanted to give something back to the school and the community. I have an insurance background and have years of experience as a manager. I also volunteer for a local charity. As a governor I seek to share my skills and experience to offer support to WINS. The school has given such a wonderful start to not only my child but every single pupil that starts their journey of education at WINS and I am keen to support the team and continue to be a part of the school.


Financial Salary Declaration

Schools are required to publish on their websites salary information if staff have a salary of above £100,000, in order to improve financial transparency.

At Wellfield Infant and Nursery School there are no staff with a salary of above £100,000.


The link to the schools financial benchmarking service on the government website can be found here:-




Please find below useful links about the role of a school governor and how to apply to be a school governor
