Wellfield Infant and Nursery School

We Inspire and Nurture Success


20 Marble Treat Picnic in Forest School

Aiden's dad came to tell us about his job as a football referee

Sports Day

Minibeasts and Eric Carle artwork

Walk and Talk May 24

Term 3 in Reception

International Women's Day

World Book Day 2024

Forest School

matchbox challenge

Lunar New Year celebrations

Fun in the snow in January

Christmas Party


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Christmas Show The Higgledy Piggledy Nativity

Autumn Term 2023


Welcome to all our new Reception children. We are so proud of how the children are settling in. They are all getting used to their new classroom and the Reception routine. There are lots of exciting places to play and new friends to make!

1970s Day to celebrate our school being open 50 years!

Sports Day


Forest School

Smithill's Farm

Celebrating the King's coronation....

Easter Egg Hunt

World Book Day

Teddy Bears' Picnic

Looking for signs of Spring

Pancake Day




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Rec Christmas Show

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Christmas Party

Santa Dash

Reception Nativity

Our Christmas Show!

Spooky Day and pumpkin fun.

Autumn fun!

Reception 2022

Autumn Term

Wow! We've had a busy start to Reception! We have been exploring inside and outside with new friends... 

20 Marble Treat-Reception voted and "Party" won!

School Fund

Sports Day

Stay and Play!

Stay and Play!

More of the farm!

Our visit to Tatton Farm

Celebrating the queen's platinum jubilee

We created our own crowns, dressed up as royalty and wrote (and posted) letters to the queen. We hope we get a reply!


After reading "The Little Red Hen" we made our own flatbreads. We mixed together the flour and yoghurt and rolled out the dough. It started off sticky and then became smooth enough for us to roll out.


We read the book "Show and Tell" by Rob Biddulph and then watched one of his tutorials about how to draw a character. We watched and listened very carefully and we all did our own illustration, personalising it by adding accessories and hair etc. What fantastic illustrators we are!

World Book Day 2022

What a fantastic day we had dressed up as our favourite book characters. We talked about our favourite stories and why we liked them. We voted for our storytime book and we got to share some stories with the Juniors who came over to read to us. A brilliant time was had by all!

Lunar New Year

We have been learning about how Lunar New Year is celebrated by many people. We have explored the many traditions and talked about lucky colours, foods and special clothes. We enjoyed learning about how the animals took part in a race to decide the order in which the years would be named.

A Tiger visited our classroom!


We couldn't believe our eyes when a tiger came to visit us in the classroom! We had been looking at the book "The Tiger Who Came To Tea" and then he actually came to visit us (luckily he didn't eat all of our snack!). We were using our instruments to play a steady beat representing the tiger moving slowly and proudly.



Autumn 2

It has been a half term filled with different activities and experiences the children have very much enjoyed. We learnt all about the Arctic and Antarctic and even experienced some snow at school! We have been exploring numbers and beginning to write the sounds and words we have been learning. We have been looking at different celebrations like Diwali, Hannukah and Christmas. 

First Half Term


What a busy half term we have had! We have been learning all about the seasons, getting to know each other and sharing lots of lovely books. Some of the highlights have been exploring with clay, making spooky spells and potions, colour mixing and of course our brilliant spooky day!


September 2021


All the children have been settling in wonderfully. We have been getting to know the routines of Reception class and exploring all the different areas inside and outside. 







Seesaw journals- please access

                 Spring Term

From the top of the climbing frame, we watched blue tits flying in and out of a nesting box in a neighbouring garden. We wanted to find out more about birds...

Sport Relief

Christmas Show 2019 "We Three Kings". We are all so proud of the children, they did a fantastic show for everyone!

Evil Pea paid a visit to Reception...Mwah ha ha ha! Broccoli was frozen in ice and Supertato was tied to the train track....

                               Forest School
We've been creative both inside and out...
Spooky Day was lots of fun. We played "Musical Batues" and "Corners" in the hall.
Last year's experiences and activities...

                    Summer Term 2019

We visited the Lowry art gallery and created our own portraits by drawing, cutting and glueing....



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